Don’t worry your teeth whitening treatment dream does not vanish because we have the best solution for your teeth, one that is professional and provides you the results you always dreamt of. At Nova You we offer professional teeth whitening at an affordable cost, and the difference that you will see with your teeth is the same one you get at the dentist.
Thanks to the hydrogen peroxide we utilize and the products we use you are left with an unforgettable experience. Our whitening gel is one that is peroxide based and unlike at the dental clinic this gel is far more gentle on your teeth, guaranteeing a pleasant procedure and a treatment quality of the highest standards. So throw away those teeth whitening kits that are made for home use, stop looking up tips and tricks to make your teeth several shades whiter, and don’t waste time on searching how much is teeth whitening at the dentist.
Our master Jane will provide you with a teeth whitening that you won’t regret and a whitening session after which you will see a noticeable difference of 4 – 15 shades. Give your teeth a dental quality treatment and an experience that will actually want you to return again once the cosmetic effect wears off.
How We Carry Out The Whitening And Preparation Of Your Teeth
Upon arrival at our premises, you are asked to fill out a short questionnaire about the condition of your teeth, oral and overall health. We then instruct you through the procedure entirely to get rid of any worries and give you a peace of mind.
Once the details are discussed and finalized, you are seated in a comfortable chair and have a disposable silicone mouth opener for better access to your teeth placed in your mouth. It is gentle on your cheeks so there is nothing to worry about, the gel is then applied to each tooth until all the teeth are covered. We will commence the whitening process and ensure that you are provided with protective glasses before we turn on the special LED lamp that activates the gel on your teeth and results in the perfect whitening that is a 4-15 brighter shade. The whole treatment takes 1 hour to 1 and a half hours, each case is different and your teeth may require a bit of time to achieve the desired stage of whitening and meet your result expectations.
How can you prepare your teeth to reach the best whitening outcome? It’s rather simple and all you need to do is 1 hour before the scheduled treatment brush your teeth with a toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Ensure that you do not drink or consume any food, you can drink water though as it won’t stain your freshly brushed teeth. The most important of all is that you don’t have a cigarette within this allocated time period.
Such little things are capable of maximizing the result and achieving a whiter smile, that’ll bring more confidence to your life!
What’s The Difference Between Dental And Nova You Teeth Whitening?
It may seem that the treatment is similar, but when it comes to your teeth and the hydrogen peroxide % used is a huge difference. At the Dentist it is vastly higher and due to the intensity it may cause more discomfort, sensitivity and other factors that makes teeth whitening an unpleasant experience.
Meanwhile we use a 6% hydrogen peroxide and it is in a gel form, it is far lower % and due to this factor we can guarantee a pleasant session for your teeth. There is no discomfort, none of our clients deal with sensitivity after it and the only thing they discuss is how pearly white their teeth are and they can not stop taking photos with a smile.
Our teeth whitening assists you in having a hollywood smile, while being completely safe, having no side effects and we are ethical in our approach by following every step of the treatment properly. Not to mention the thorough application of the whitening gel to each individual tooth and furthermore explaining everything to help you feel relaxed and at ease. The before photo of your teeth will have you in disbelief and after the whitening you will smile very often!
How Long Will The Teeth Whitening Result Hold And What May Affect It?
The average expected time of having whiter teeth is roughly around 6 months to 12 months, this depends entirely on your lifestyle, overall hygiene as good oral hygiene can significantly prolong teeth whitening results. The treatment on a regular basis is permitted for repetition every 6 months to allow the whitening to remain more prolonged.
By visiting us regularly you can feel as if you are doing home teeth whitening thanks to the lovely atmosphere of our studio and the ever so gentle, professional and reliable approach of our master. It is the token and standard of our teeth whitening services that clients absolutely love, and what sets us apart as a teeth whitening perth specialist.
A lot of the time we are asked about things that can cause staining of your teeth and ruin your newly done whitening. So what things can affect your teeth?
Certain drinks and specific food have a rather great influence on the condition and colour of your teeth. The main culprits of the foods and beverages that make your whitening darken and the teeth lose their white shade are – red wine, tea, coffee and fizzy drinks, cigarettes are one of the biggest stainers, curries due to the spices, soy sauce, fruits and vegetables especially berries. It is why we recommend that after a treatment you don’t consume any of the mentioned teeth staining foods or beverages during the 3 hour period for the ideal maximisation of the whitening result.
Thanks to these simple tips and proper aftercare you can enjoy a longer lasting whitening result until your teeth are in need of a refresh treatment.
What Can Prevent Or Who Is Not Recommended To Whiten Their Teeth?
A common inquiry made by a client when they search for teeth whitening in perth and come across our service: Am I allowed to get my teeth whitened while I am or have x, y or z?
Let’s discuss what things can stop you from having the whitening of your teeth done, and before making a booking we always ask our clients of any contraindications. We know that having your teeth overly stained keeps you from enjoying life and charming people with your smile, but your health and the condition of your teeth is our top priority!
That’s why if you are currently going through your pregnancy, are breast feeding your baby still, have cracks or cavities in your teeth, are dealing with gum based issues or similar conditions, will be having an appointment at the dentist soon or recently had dealt with a dental situation. We strongly advise you to wait until your oral health and personal situation is stable, so that you can have the whitening done and won’t need to deal with any unwanted side effects for your teeth.
Now another specific question we’re answering is the age a person is permitted to have their teeth go through whitening. Within Australia certain states have their own laws, and when it comes to teeth whitening regulations it is stated that 14 is the legal age from which you’re allowed with parental permission to get teeth whitening done. However this is not always the case as at such an age your teeth are still developing, so a master has the right to decline a treatment as the personal health and that of the teeth far outweighs the need for whitening.
If you would like to make a booking for teeth whitening and have a specific date in mind, give us a call on 0450482244 or send us a message to discuss your whitening needs.